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Evaluate your own Health! You are the doctor.

Writer's picture: Joy HallJoy Hall

Hi there! You have come upon this page for a reason. This is your tool to use when you feel stuck! If you are in pain and struggling to find answers, and have reached a wall anywhere in your mental/ physical/emotional or spiritual well being.

Please answer these question to the best or your ability, as little or as much as you feel ready to explore. Build self trust now.

Lets get deep, and find out whats been there all along. Your nervous system seems to be fiercely trying to protect you from something. Your body is screaming at you but it was once a whisper. 

Your subconscious is locked, protecting you. You masculine is in charge. 

Speak to it, let it know you want to see behind the curtains and that what ever is there you can hold it, you are divinely protected. Its safe to feel.

I believe we are looking for an aha moment to lead us to the root of the issue to figure out a healing approach and focus. Once we do have a lead, Potentially a medicine like a ceremonial ayahuasca journey, a radical shift in life choices or behaviors, herbs/plant medicines, visualization meditations, hypnotherapy, resolving conflict with a loved one or a spiritually focussed ritual practice to incorporate. Any or all of those modalities may be helpful tools to assist you in the healing process. Yes, it is a process, and those are all just tools that YOU could find useful. Maybe you only need to meditate but you certainly will need to make a conscious, consistent and dedicated shift to come into alignment and connect you more deeply to self. Embodiment is a conscious choice.

Here are about 50 questions, that will hopefully help us get a better idea of whats going on underneath the surface. grab a pen and some paper and get to work! If you wont do this work nobody else will.

Sex/intimacy: 1=none 10=completely

(Sexual energy is life force energy!!)

Sex can also mirror issues of the soul.

-how do you practice creative expression? (Paint/sex/sing/dance/cook..etc)

-what are your beliefs about marriage and partnerships?  Are they different from what you were taught growing up?

- Did your parents stay married? 

-Do you feel fully expressive and embodied in your sexual life? Rate 1-10

-How much emotional closeness do you feel is comfortable for you with your partner? Rate 1-10

-What are some taboo turn ons you might have had? (These can sometimes be hints to possible past life traumas or current)

-How open do you feel with your partner? 1-10

(The less open you feel, may signal cutting yourself off from your own personal power, or split off from your life force energy)

-Do you practice eye gazing or any kind of spiritual connection/non-sexual intimacy with your partner?

-How seen do you really feel by anybody in your life? 1-10

-How well do you feel you see your partner? 1-10


-How consistent has your moon cycle been? 

-do you bleed on a full moon or new moon?

-Have you ever done a yoni steam? 

-How connected do you feel to your womb? Your feminine energy.

-do you believe you have stored sexual trauma? 

-is there any sexual trauma on your moms side that you know of? 

-Do you feel your bleed is a burden in anyway?

-Do you feel like this process should be celebrated or hidden? 

 Emotional, life patterns/relationships, reoccurring patterns:

-What are the biggest challenges in your intimate relationships? (Conflicts around honesty, money, 

-How was/is your relationship with your parents?

-How do you view your emotions? 

-How do you express your emotions?

-What triggers you the most?

-What are you most afraid of? 

-What is a re-occurring emotion you dont always let yourself feel fully? (Pleasure emotions or anger/sadness/grief pain?)

-Do you feel a sense of belonging in your community


-What are some core memories you have and how early is the earliest one? (Tip:Make a timeline)

-Did you have a sense of belonging as a child?

-Did you feel loved and seen by a parent or relative? 

-Did you have to grow up fast?

-How often do you make time for play or time to connect with your inner child? 

 Spirit/spirit connection:

-what do you do to intentionally daily commune with your own spirit?

-what makes your heart the happiest? (Not just kids, or things other people do)

-what were you taught growing up about spiritual beliefs and religions or spiritual practice?

-do you feel that you are getting further from or closer to spirit/connection to higher self? (we are always moving, either toward or away from any desired destination, known or unknown.)

Dreams/spirit animals:

-if you could be an animal for a day, what would you be and why?

-do you have anything you currently practice to rewire your subconscious? 

-have you taken any action on trying to find ways to access your dreams or unconscious mind?

-what animals do you notice around you? Any that show up regularly? 

-do these animals remind you of anyone? (Father, mother, great grand mother, or an aspect of yourself) 

-If those animals, could speak, what are they saying to you in those moments? Is it comforting? A warning? Directing? Reminding? 

-Growing up what animals were present? Did you have a special nick name from a loved one that reflected this animal?

-How connected do you feel to nature? 

-How good would you say you are at sensing the subtle changes or messages in your energetic body?

Physical symptoms:

-Where is the pain centered/located? Where is it the worst?

-When is it better or worse?(night,day, during an activity, place, when you have certain memory’s or watch certain shows)

-When did it start? 

-How good would you say you are at sensing the subtle changes or messages in your physical body?


-how connected do you feel to your food? 

-what do you eat? Where does it come from?

-how many animal products do you consume in a day/week?

-what beverages do you drink?

- teas? 

-how many medications are you taking? (Sometimes these actually make it worse) they can act as a bandaid and numb the pain we need to feel or create more pain in side effects and confuse the body.)

-visually (movies/tv) what to you consume daily? (Social media, news, shows)

Some things to note;

-energetic stiffness as well as body (what are you holding onto so tightly?)

-need to be in Control, (how can you let go a little more of the illusion of control in your life?)

-openness for more spiritual type of practices /music/activity 

-dance is an outlet and passion. Use it! (Feminine energy flows)

What ever this is, it did not happen overnight.

During meditation and throughout the day, Reflect long and very deeply on possible spiritual blocks, and the possible related chakras. Pay close attention to messages wanting to come through in any form. 

Come up with 3 affirmations you think you need to say to your self daily. Write them down, repeat daily, morning and night. (Ex. I give myself permission to feel my emotions. I give myself permission to release control.)

The medicine is in the pain. Something is being held and not released, If you have any unprocessed grief you could end up needing a major release, maybe you set up a date to join a retreat or just create a space for yourself to cry maybe you cry for a week or a month straight! Or more! Maybe you laugh so hard you cry, or even release through embodied and intuitive dance. It wont be an overnight fix, be prepared and open to how things unfold. Once you find that place inside that needs more of your attention, love and care, I believe you will be on the right track to recovery and be able to intuitively tap into your higher guidance and manifest the kind of medicine YOU need. 

Trust yourself. You are your best healer.

Sending so much warm loving energy to you dear friend. I love you so much.


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