The Home Frequency Story
The Spiritual Warriors Journey
Home Frequency was founded by Joy Hall. A natural introvert, care provider, empathetic and passionate individual, she never saw herself as an entrepreneur.
She always had the drive to help others and deeply loves being of service in any way possible. Joy wanted to provide comprehensive services that support and foster the spiritual health and wellness of our communities. Offering tools and tips that helped her on her journey.
The inspiration for this business came from her personal healing journey as well as her observation and discovery of the collective spiritual imbalances. She found there to be a major lack of knowledge and tools readily available to herself and others for spiritual health. She believes that we must care for our spiritual body first and balance our inner Masculine and Feminine energy in order to acheive overall health, harmony and balance, both internally and externally.
The meaning of our name, "Home Frequency" refers to the energy and electricity within us all. All living things on earth have their own energetic vibration signatures. Humans tend to fluctuate in vibration from high to low on a day to day basis without much conscious intention of doing so. When our energetic vibration is synchronized to our hearts frequency, and we have coherence between our heart and our brain, and cultivate feelings of gratitude, love and joy, we raise our vibration and are living in our home frequency. Balanced, connected and truly in the moment.
We believe that spiritual health is necessary for us to achieve optimal physical health. The better you understand your own truth and spirit, the easier it will be for you to show up in the world confident, happy and energized. You will be able to accept things you cannot change but provide the wisdom, confidence and courage to recognize what is in your power to change. We put an emphasis on the spiritual healing approach for the benefit of all. In order for us all to be able to experience life more fully and more harmoniously, with less self inflicted pain.
Whether you are experiencing emotional pain, physical pain or simply want to improve your physical and mental health, Home Frequency provides the resources and tools to do so.